Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Pictures by Breno Loureiro. Photojournalism.

Photojournalism is a photography business where information is clear and objective, through the photographic image, is essential. It can also be considered a specialization of Journalism. Through photojournalism, photography can display all their ability to transmit information. This information is transmitted by the framework chosen by the photographer before the fact. In printed communications, such as newspapers and magazines as well as the portals on the Internet, endorsement information through photography is a constant. For me, being a photojournalist is not an easy task, be willing to enter into conflict, get hurt or even die is to few photographers. Although it is very interesting, this profession needs a lot of knowledge of the region in conflict and courage. The conflict may be between neighbors or even a war. No matter the size of the conflict, the danger is imminent and take good pictures is important.

War or conflict photography is photographic images of armed conflict and military life in areas at war. Some photos can describe the terrors of the same alternated with acts of sacrifice. Contrary to paint and war drawing images based on real facts are not easily changed in the photographs. The photographers working in this filed of photography are sometimes injured or killed by recording images on the battlefield.

The most prominent photojournalist war was Robert Capa. Stands out especially in his work on the Spanish Civil War and the only existing images on the landing in Normandy on Omaha Beach. Some of the films exposed by Capa that decisive battle of World War II were poorly disclosed in the laboratory, losing invaluable war photography images.

Pictures by Breno Loureiro. Nudity.

Nudity photography is something very special for me, I can capture a female or male body in a way that it is gonna look flawless, and this is how I want my model to look like. It is not easy to take a picture of a naked body and not look cheap or vulgar. I like art, I like photography, I love art & photography together, when I can put those concepts together on the same picture I feel good… fulfilled…

Only after 1 year of school I feel comfortable in take nude pictures of people. I feel comfortable to show their bodies and the beauty that it represents. We born naked and the rest it waste of time. Feel free and beautiful is wonderful.

There was a time when it was believed that the photo stole the soul of the person portrayed. Obviously this is over: today we do pictures with the same frequency as we blink. We captured moments all the time - but only the good ones, and only after adjusting the angle and choose the exact filter.

From the pictures we found today, especially in Instagram and in other social networks, the impression we have is that the world has been in full ecstasy, a radiant joy and endless. A happiness which, often, we do not share. Note that by doing this editing, we edit life.

This also happens with the bodies. Magazine covers remind us how much we are imperfect, how are non-standard, how we are “ugly”.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Pictures by Breno Loureiro. Studio

Studio photography is one type of photography that I really like it. The power to adjust the light and to control the whole environment is very satisfying.  

Balance the lighting in the studio is one of the most important factors. Its main objective in the studio photography is the projection and the diffusion of light on the picture, illuminating the background and the model, or the object to be photographed.

Although you control the type and amount of light through the photometry, there are situations that the illumination should be adjusted according to the needs. It is important to evaluate whether to add a light cut, apply or take shade and work with light by the composition of the model, or the brightness of the object to be photographed.

A more direct lighting is responsible for creating sharp contrasts and shadows, since opting for a diffuse lighting, it will allow the interests of more homogeneous and controlled lighting, you can get using diffusers and reflectors. There are some great tecniques to photography in studio. Those tecnique are different depending in what you are taking the pictures: people, objects and food for example. 

Some lighting equipment: Softbox, reflective Umbrellas, Reflector. The choice of the studio or location to be used to take the pictures is of utmost importance. Observe the studio size, equipment, reflectors, backdrops, camera, natural light, etc.

Each object or person being photographed has its particularity, before starting the production process comply with the particularity and equip yourself with the best equipment.

Increasingly I am proficient in studio photography.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Pictures by Breno Loureiro. Artistic Pictures.

 The artistic photo transcends technique,  goes beyond what is right or "wrong" in photography. I love this kind of picture, because I feel free to express myself ...  I feel free to show my artistic side. Whenever I shoot artistic photos of objects, people or landscape. Since I ventured in the photography industry, I take artistic photos, I practice my emotional side and do what I want with photography, experiment new light sources, new angles and new camera settings. It is awesome be yourself and express your thoughts in your pictures.

Artistic photography is the art to take photography in an unconventional way, where there is not a care to portray reality. Goes beyond that. The photographer records the theme in a way that transcends the ordinary. Puts their emotion, their expression and their perspective of the world in the image he/she produces. Just as a painter, a sculptor or any other artist does.

To make artistic photos, the first thing to do is try to learn as much as possible about the equipment you are using, there is some very modern equipment and professional digital camera, and even a cell phone camera or tablet.

Even though it is an artistic photo, you need to get to really know what you are doing. It is very important because as the artistic photos tend to escape the common place as regards the environment or exposure to light, to have dominion over the equipment will allow you to further explore and hence better results. Be artistic and professional at the same time.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Pictures by Breno Loureiro. Painting with Light

This is a photograph area that I like very, very much ... I think it is intriguing, interesting, motivating and magical. It’s nice to have absolute control of light in your photo. I'm improving myself more and more in this type of photography.

To paint with light you need a light source, a dark environment, and adjust the camera in manual mode to place a very slow capture rate, seconds or minutes of exposure. In the dark it's harder to focus, so ask someone to press the shutter button halfway to focus, while you hold the lantern at the point where it will do the drawing. Or you can focus with the light on, turn on the timer, trigger the shutter and delete the ambient light before taking the picture. You can change the color of the lantern in front of you, just put cellophane, tissue paper, or colorful market bags, although there are also today lanterns that allow you to change the color of light.

The technique of painting with light requires a bit more advanced equipment. Cameras with long exposure capabilities are essential, since the design is not done in fractions of a second. Thus, exposure modes of several seconds or even the "Bulb" (when the camera maintains exposure while the shutter is not released) greatly facilitate the life of the light painter.

Two accessories are also great allies Light painter: the tripod and remote shutter release. The first serves to keep the camera still and in the correct position during the exposure time, while the shutter - cable or infrared - helps reduce vibration in the camera and easy to carry images even when you are alone.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Pictures by Breno Loureiro. Jewelry

The macro photography is a photography business that interests me a lot. I like to see things with new perspectives. I like to shoot landscapes and architecture, but the macro photography, which is a completely opposite branch also attracts me. In this photo I took, we can see the details of the gold bracelet, do with all clarity its beauty and grandeur. Gold is a precious stone that represents power, brightness and nobility. For a long, long years, gold only belonged to nobility. Today gold is more affordable to almost everyone, but still the largest gem and beautiful jewelry belong to nobility, because in addition to bringing nobility, is also a form of investment.

The macro photography is the photography industry designed to capture details in images of small objects for small living things, often invisible to the naked eye.

Fundamentally shooting a subject with close proximity it is not really of macro photography, which is characterized by the photographic image magnification feature. There are a number of equipment used in macro photography, as lenses and magnifiers.

The macrophotography are shown enlarged for greater visual impact and better display of captured details. The scale used for capturing images macro is natural to about ten times higher.

The photograph need not necessarily be captured from a close proximity of the photographed object, an image obtained from a telephoto lens can also be adjectival macro as if they are presented clearly photographed object details with the naked eye and clearly.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Pictures by Breno Loureiro. Taking pictures of people.

When we think of taking pictures of people, our goal is always to make them more beautiful. Shooting is always a challenge, but photographing individuals is much more difficult.

Unlike anything we usually shoot, on most occasions, the photographed not know what to do to help the aesthetics of the image. A professional fashion contributes as much as the photographer for the beauty of what will be captured.

Some not professional photographers can take beautiful, high-quality photos, but the ideal is to know some essential concepts of photography. It’s important to study, to read, to get familiar with all the tools of photography.

I've always had trouble shooting people, find it easier to shoot landscapes, architecture; because I find it difficult to photograph people, I am dedicating more and more in this area of photography. I am good in what I do. If shoot people makes me unconfordable, I am goning to change the game, and make people my allies.

I I developed some "technical" for shooting people: the main reason is the person I am shooting, so do not be afraid to get close, watch photo background, especially when photographing people, use a zoom lens for ordinary people, be confident, practice some poses, focus on eyes, make sure if someone blinked, be kind to the photographed, look for natural light or have a good artificial lighting.

I will dedicate part of my portfolio in photographing people with natural light or photographic studio. Being good at some things is not easy, and I want to be the best, I just need to get involved and shoot with technique and emotion.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Picture by Breno Loureiro. Valley of Fire State Park.

Picture by Breno Loureiro

I love taking pictures of landscapes ... It's a way for me to keep calm and concentrated. When I took this picture, it was a beautiful day and the lighting was perfect. I like this picture because of the feeling of emptiness that it passes. The planet Earth this over populated and yet we are able to find places where the feeling of loneliness is great. 

Who never was disappointed to see a median photograph of a place that seemed so beautiful live? That happens a lot, especially by the beauty of a landscape is very difficult to be passed to a still image, since it involves much more than just the beautiful look. I try to break this statement, I took pictures to capture the most of the landscape beauty, even trying to make it more beautiful in picture.

The Valley of Fire derives its name from red sandstone formations, formed from great shifting sand dunes during the age of dinosaurs, 150 million years ago. Complex uplifting and faulting of the region, followed by extensive erosion, have created the present landscape.

Other important rock formations include limestone, shale, and conglomerates. Prehistoric users of the Valley of Fire included the Basket Maker people and later the Anasazi Pueblo farmers from the nearby fertile Moapa Valley.
The span of approximate occupation has been dated from 300 B.C.E. to 1150 C.E. Their visits probably involved hunting, food gathering, and religious ceremonies, although scarcity of water would have limited the length of their stay. Fine examples of rock art left by these ancient peoples can be found at several sites within the park.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Picture by Breno Loureiro. Nellis Air Force in Las Vegas

Nellis Air Force Base in Las Vegas. Pic by Breno Loureiro

Being a photographer is a gift, for me one of the best professions in the world. I have the power to share images like this I took in Nellis Air Force Base in Las Vegas. The base Localization is full, all walking, having fun and getting to know the aircraft the US Air Force when the national anthem began to play. Everyone stopped where they were, turned to the singer and stood still listening and respecting the Anthem. I have a feeling especial by these photos.

The passion I have for photography goes beyond the financial aspect; I do it  for love the profession and to be able to share special moments, places and actions.  A belief I feel strongly about is that in life we must always do more to achieve “professional perfection”. Knowledge is there and it is up to us to take it and learn it. Digital Photography is one more step I need to accomplish to reach a higher level in my profession. As a graphic designer I need to improve as many skills as possible. Photography is one of those skills in which more exploration is needed. More often than not I steer clear away from using my own photography.

The universe of photography is infinite. The landscape is there, but the way you are going to show it to the world depends on your skill set to capture the best photo possible. For example, there are many photos taken of the Empire State Building, but there are only a few that can take our breaths away.