Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Pictures by Breno Loureiro. Painting with Light

This is a photograph area that I like very, very much ... I think it is intriguing, interesting, motivating and magical. It’s nice to have absolute control of light in your photo. I'm improving myself more and more in this type of photography.

To paint with light you need a light source, a dark environment, and adjust the camera in manual mode to place a very slow capture rate, seconds or minutes of exposure. In the dark it's harder to focus, so ask someone to press the shutter button halfway to focus, while you hold the lantern at the point where it will do the drawing. Or you can focus with the light on, turn on the timer, trigger the shutter and delete the ambient light before taking the picture. You can change the color of the lantern in front of you, just put cellophane, tissue paper, or colorful market bags, although there are also today lanterns that allow you to change the color of light.

The technique of painting with light requires a bit more advanced equipment. Cameras with long exposure capabilities are essential, since the design is not done in fractions of a second. Thus, exposure modes of several seconds or even the "Bulb" (when the camera maintains exposure while the shutter is not released) greatly facilitate the life of the light painter.

Two accessories are also great allies Light painter: the tripod and remote shutter release. The first serves to keep the camera still and in the correct position during the exposure time, while the shutter - cable or infrared - helps reduce vibration in the camera and easy to carry images even when you are alone.

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